In 2004, the width is about 740 km ² and population of 8,792,000 inhabitants [2]. Jakarta metropolitan Jabotabek together with approximately 23 million people is the largest metropolitan area in India or the world order in the sixth. Jabotabek area has now integrated with the Bandung Raya, where megapolis Jabotabek-Bandung Raya covers about 30 million people, a place in this region megapolis second world, after Tokyo megapolis.
At this time the entrance to the Jakarta International Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Port of Tanjung Priok. Since 2004 under the leadership of Governor Sutiyoso, Jakarta has integrated transportation, known as Transjakarta. In addition to the state palace, Jakarta is also the headquarters of Bank Indonesia and the Stock Exchange first Indonesia.Jakarta is known as one of the port of Sunda Kingdom, located in Ciliwung River estuary. Capital of the Kingdom of Sunda, known as Dayeuh or Pakuan Pajajaran Pajajaran (now Bogor) can be from the port of Sunda Kalapa two-day trip. According to the sources of Portuguese, Sunda Kalapa is one of the ports other than port of Sunda Kingdom of Banten, helter, Cigede, Tamgara and Cimanuk. Sunda Kalapa that in this text called Kalapa port is considered the most important because it can go from the capital of the kingdom which is called by the name Dayo (in modern language Sunda: Dayeuh which means the capital city) in the tempo of two days. [2] Kingdom of Sunda itself is a continuation of Tarumanagara century in the kingdom to-5 so that the port is estimated to have been there since 5-th century and is the estimated capital Tarumanagara called Sundapura.
In the 12-century, the port is known as the busy port of pepper. Foreign ships that came from China, Japan, South India, and the Middle East is anchored in the harbor is to bring items such as china, coffee, silk, cloth, perfume, horses, wine, and the pigment to be exchanged with spices spice-trade which is the commodity at that time.
European people first came to Jakarta is the Portuguese. In the century-16, Surawisesa, the king of Sunda help the Portuguese in Malacca to establish a stronghold in the Sunda Kelapa as protection from possible attacks that Cirebon akan secede from the Kingdom of Sunda. Efforts to request assistance to the Portuguese Surawisesa in Malacca is enshrined by the person in the story of Sunda pantun seloka Mundinglaya Dikusumah where Surawisesa diselokakan with the name gelarnya namely Mundinglaya. However, before the fort was done, Cirebon Demak assisted directly in the attack. Sundanese people mention this tragedy because the attack is membungihanguskan city harbor and killed many people there, including the Sunda sahbandar port. Determination Jakarta anniversary date of June 22 is based on the tragedy conquest Sunda Kalapa Fatahillah by the year 1527 and change the name of the city into Jayakarta, which means "victory".
The Dutch came to Jayakarta around the end of the century to 16, after a layover in Banten in the year 1596. In the 1619, led by the VOC Jan Pieterszoon Coen menaklukan Jayakarta and then change its name to Batavia. During kolonialisasi Dutch Batavia city developed into a large and important. (See Batavia). For the development of the city, the Netherlands imported more slaves as workers. Most of them come from Bali, Sulawesi, Maluku, the People's Republic of China, and the Malabar coast, India. This is their community and then establish the Jakarta or known as the Betawi people.
On 9 October 1740, there was unrest in Batavia terbunuhnya 5000 with the Chinese people. With the occurrence of this turmoil, many Chinese people who run out of town and make resistance to the Netherlands. With the completion of Koningsplein (Gambir) in the year 1818, Batavia developed to the south. 1910, the Netherlands to build city parks Menteng, and this region into a new place for the Dutch petinggi replace Molenvliet in the north. In the early 20th century, north of Batavia, Koningspein, and Mester Cornelis (Jatinegara) was integrated into a city.
Colonization by Japan starting in the year 1942 and change the name into Batavia Jakarta for engaging people in World War II. The city is also the site of the Independence Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 1945 and occupied the sovereignty of the Netherlands until 1949.
Since the declared as the capital, Jakarta population very rapidly due to increased labor needs of governance that is almost all concentrated in Jakarta. Within 5 years the population of more than two. Many of the case settlement and the new middle class developed, such as the Kebayoran Baru, Cempaka Putih, Rawamangun, and Pejompongan. Residential centers also performed independently by various ministries and institutions belonging to other countries (known as the prefix "complex").
During the Soekarno, Jakarta perform large development projects, among others Gelora Bung Karno, Istiqlal Mosque, and the National Monument. During this same axis Sudirman-Thamrin start to be developed as the central business district. Center of the first settlement made by the private developer is Pondok Indah (by PT Pembangunan Jaya) at the end of the decade of 1970s in the area of Jakarta Selatan.Laju development of this ever being tried by the governor Ali Sadikin in the early 1970s with the claim as Jakarta "closed city" for immigrants. This policy can not be neglected and run-time during the next governor's leadership. Until now, Jakarta still have to wrestle with the problems that occur due to population density, such as flooding, congestion, lack of equipment and adequate public transportation.