09 Januari 2009

Dayak tribe

Daya or Dayak tribes are native inhabit Kalimantan, more correctly is that culture has terestrial (land, not the maritime culture). This designation is a general power because people have diverse cultures and languages. In the narrow sense, refers only to the Dayak tribe Ngaju (OT Danum family) in Central Kalimantan, while the broad sense Dayak tribe consists of 6 family of tribes. Hill tribes in South Kalimantan and Rumpun Iban Dayak tribe is estimated to cross over from the island of Sumatra. While Maloh tribe in West Kalimantan Dayak tribe is expected to come from the island of Sulawesi. Madagascar population uses language similar to language Maanyan, one of the Dayak language


There are many opinions about the origin of the power. So far there is no really satisfactory. Pandapat Dayak people generally place as one of the largest native ethnic group and the oldest inhabited island of Kalimantan. Ideas (the original) is based on the theory of population migration to Kalimantan. Starting from the opinion that, supposedly the ancestor of Dayak people came from several migration waves.

The first wave occurred about 1 million years ago, precisely in the period Interglasial-Pleistosen. This group consists of Australoid race (pre-human race that historically come from Africa). At the time of Pre-neolitikum, approximately 40000-20000 years past, more ethnic groups semi nomaden (classified as modern humans, Homo sapiens Mongoloid race). Digging in the Niah-ar
keologis Serawak, Madai and Baturong-Sabah prove that these groups are using the tools of stone, living hunting and gathering forest products from one place to another. They also have the technology of fire. The third group came around 5000 years ago. They came from Asia and the mainland are also in the Mongoloid race. This group has been living in a settled community communal house (home long?) Tekhnik and the dry land agriculture (farming). Wave of migration that still continues to this 21st century. This theory explains why Dayak people have so many variants in both language and cultural characteristics.

Dayak at the present time

Nowadays Dayak tribe divided into six large family, that is, the Kayan-Kenyah-Bahau, OT Danum, Iban, Murut, Punan and Klemantan. The six family is divided in more than 405 sub-cluster. Although divided into hundreds of sub-tribe, ethnic group have Dayak similarity characteristics unique culture. The characteristics of a key factor is whether a subsuku in Kalimantan to be included in the Dayak groups. The characteristics of the house is long, the cultural materials such as pottery, saber, chopsticks, beliong (ax Dayak); views on the nature, livelihoods (system), art and dance. Dayak villages usually called lewu / dust, while a group of tribes called the continent Malay / BANUA. In the district-district in Kalimantan, which is led by the indigenous Dayak Ceremony of the head of a leading one or two different Dayak tribe, but in the regions of the tribes do not have Malay traditional leadership system unless the local kings.

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